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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Patna


Total Number of Granted Patents: 32
Serial Number Title Name of Inventor Indian Patent/Design Application No. Patent No. Grant date
01 Surfactant based boiling system for zero gravity Md.Qaisar Raza and Dr. Rishi Raj 208/KOL/2015 314531 24.06.2019
02 A Stretching apparatus and a method of stretching Dr. Karali Patra and Mr. Anoop Kumar Sinha 201731045650 345777 31.08.2020
03 Biaxial planar tensiletesting device Dr. Karali Patra, Associate Prof., Dept. of ME, Sujit Kumar Sahu, Adnan Javed, Dilshad Ahmad 201831040019 378451 30.09.2021
04 A biaxial stretching device for simultaneously stretching of an elastomer sample Dr Karali Patra 985/KOL/2013 378456 30.09.2021
05 An improved system of a passive exoskeleton to reduce manual effort in carrying load Dr. Mayank Tiwari, Raju Gupta, Vitthal Pandey, Pranay Kumar and Neetesh Kumar 201731023607 380646 28.10.2021
06 System and method for heat recovery in gasification process Mr. Sunil, Dr. Rishi Raj, Dr. Ajay D. Thakur, Mr. Birendra Kumar Rajan, Mr. Bathina Chaitanya Mr. Anurag Aggarwal, Mr. Akash Aggarwal and Mr. Rahul Sinha 201831011600 390902 01.03.2022
07 A method of preparation of Monoclinin Phase Free Doped Zirconia Powders with Low Temperature Sinterability Dr. Anirban Chowdhury, Assistant Prof., Dept. of MME and Mr. Lakshaman Kumar 201931036371 396581 10.05.2022
08 Method of coating a substrate Dr. Manoranjan Kar & Akshay Saxena 201931018390 407105 20.09.2022
09 An automatic system for blending hydrocarbons Dr. Karali Patra, Mr. Deepak Kumar Mrhta and Mr. Dhiman Das 201831036316 424120 06.03.2023
10 An apparatus and a method for cryogenic machining of polymers materials A.K. Sinha & Dr. Karali Patra 201831036316 424634 10.03.2023
11 A phase and stoichiometrically pure ceramic powder and a process for the preparation thereof chemical Dr. Anirban Chowdhury 201731019619 427340 28.03.2023
12 Cyrogenic Micromachining Apparatus and Method Thereof Dr. Karali Patra, Assistant Prof., Dept. of M.E., Mr. Vivek Kumar Singh, Mr. Ashwani Pratap Singh & Mr. Zenin Easa P 202031020431 443931 09.08.2023
13 A sytem and method for controlling the buoyancy of an underwater submersible Dr. Rishi Raj, Dr. Atul D. Thakur, Mr. Sumit Banerjee, Mr. Udayan Pandey 201831028588 453932 22.09.2023
14 Dielectric elastomer annular diaphragm based micro hydroelectric generator Dr. Karali Patra, Mr. S. K. Sahu, Mr. A. R. Jithin & Mr. V. J. G. Bharadwaj 201731045675 455688 29.09.2023
15 Variable Frequency Driven Biaxial Testing Device Dr. Karali Patra, Assistant Prof., Dept. of M.E., Mr. Rahul Ranjan Bharti & Mr. Dhiman Das 202031020867 464613 01.11.2023
16 A method of joining polymers rod through deformation technique using a Y-shape die apparatus Dr. S. S. Panda, Deptt. of M.E. & Mr. Pintu Kumar 201831007503 470176 17.11.2023
17 A Method for Depositing Hydrophobic Metallic Coating on a substrate Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri, Associate Prof. MME, Krishna Kant Pandey, PhD student, Dept. of MME, Pavan Kumar Bijalwan, Tata Steel, Atanu Banerjee, Tata Steel, Atasi Dan & Tata Steel 202131014777 471181 21.11.2023
18 Determination of whirl direction of shaft using modified full spectrum analysis of motor current signature Dr Somnath Sarangi,Mr.Alok Kumar Verma,Mr Geeta Krishnan 1026/KOL/2014 475678 30.11.2023
19 An improved valveless micropump with dome shaped dielectric elstomer diaphragm, pumping chamber and nozzle diffuser as flow control element. Dr. Karali Patra & Abhishek Saini 201631041457 494002 03.01.2024
20 System and method for siphoning-off atmospheric moisture Dr. Rishi Raj, Associate Prof., ME, Dr. Ajay D Thakur, Associate Prof. Dept. of Physics, Abhsah Shukla & Mr. Sunil PhD Student Dept. of ME 202331035489 496332 09.01.2024
21 A Cutting Tool Dr. Anirban Mahato, Associate Prof., Dept. of M.E., Mr. Abhishek Maurya, Mr. K. Venu Madhava & Mr. Ashish Kumar 202031032781 499652 16.01.2024
22 A method for the synthesis of pure phase multiferroic bismuth ferrite, BiFeO3 (BFO) ceramics. Dr. Manoranjan Kar & Mr. Pawan Kumar 201631037965 500477 17.01.2024
23 High Concentration Fresnel Lens with Spherical Facets Dr. Mohd. Kaleem Khan, Associate Prof., Dept. of ME, Mr. Desireddy Shashidhar Reddy & Mr. Kuldeep Awasthi 202031047971 502819 24.01.2024
24 Dielectric elastomer transducer based exoskeleton type knee motion harvester Dr. Karali Patra & Mr. Sujit Kumar Sahu 201831005297 503019 24.01.2024
25 A stepped microchannel heat sink for cooling an electronic device Mr. Sumit Raj, Mr. Anurag Shukla, Dr. Manabendra Pathak, Dr. Mohd. Kaleem Khan & Dept. of ME 201931000706 506343 01.02.2024
26 A Process for Heteroatom Doping in Graphene and a Heteroatom Doped Graphene Material Dr. Awalendra Kumar Thakur, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Ms. Rebti Bhushan (JRF), Dr. Prashant Kumar, Ramanujan Faculty & Dept. of Physics 202131011566 506484 02.02.2024
27 Curved Serpentine Flow Inverter Mr. Desireddy Shashidhar Reddy, Mr. Kuldeep Awasthi, Dr. Mohd. Kaleem Khan, Associate Prof. & Dept. of ME 201931031533 508277 07.02.2024
28 An improved heat sink system for supressing two-phase thermal and flow instabilities and a method thereof Mr. Anurag Kumar, Mr. Durga Prasad Ghsoh, Mr. Deepak Sharma, Dr. Rishi Raj & Dept. of ME 201931001796 510610 14.02.2024
29 Vibro Tactile feedback System using FSR Dr. Karali Patra & Mr. Llewellyn Grenold D'sa 201731014654 511073 15.02.2024
30 A process for obtaining shape and size controlled ceramic nanopowders Dr. Anirban Choudhury, Mr. Kundan Kumar & Mr. Kushal Singh 201831006045 515865 27.02.2024
31 An Apparatus and Method for Off-the-grid Climate Control Dr. Ajay D Thakur, Associate Prof., Dept. of Physics, Dr. Rishi Raj, Associate Prof., Dept. of M.E., Mr. Sunil, Mr. Rahul Sinha, Mr. Abhash Shukla, Mr. Anurag Agarwal. 202231026031 519459 05.03.2024
32 Hybrid Solar Tracking System for a Solar Collector and Method Thereof Prof. Manabendra Pathak, Dept. of ME, Dr. Ahmad Ali, Dept. of EE and Akashkumar Ambalal Patel, Dept. of ME 202031022971 521830 07.03.2024