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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Patna

Head of the Department

Dr. Anirban Bhattacharya

Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering

+91-6115-233 274


About the Department

Click here to view the Department Profile for Freshers!

Indian Institute of Technology Patna is one of the new IITs established by an Act of the Indian Parliament on August 06, 2008.

Since its inception in 2008, Mechanical Engineering department has experienced remarkable growth, now proudly supporting over 300 undergraduate students and 80 graduate students. This dynamic academic community thrives under the guidance of 25 highly enthusiastic faculty members and 9 skilled technical staff.

The department offers a comprehensive (1) Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, (2) 5 Years, B.Tech. + M.Tech./MS (Dual Degree), (3) Master of Technology in Thermal and Fluids, (4) Master of Technology in Manufacturing, (5) Master of Technology in Mechanical Design, and (6) Master of Technology in Mechatronics streams. Additionally, our robust Ph.D. program boasts over fifty scholars engaged in cutting-edge research across various contemporary fields of Mechanical Engineering.


ASME Student Section, IITP has won the Most Significant Membership Growth Award (2024) in the ASME Student Section Recognition Program. They won a funding of Rs 10000.
Dr. Chiranjit Sarkar received SERB International research experience (SIRE) fellowship and visited Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics, Lulea University of Technology Sweden (Jan – May 2024).
Department successfully organized one of the largest international conferences in the area of Thermal Sciences: 27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2023), December 14-17, 2023, IIT Patna
Dr. Anirban Bhattacharya is a top 2% scientist of the world, by Stanford University, published by Elsevier for the year 2021; 2020; 2019.
Biaxial planar tensile testing device, patent no. 378451 dt. 30.09.2021 [Granted]
Dr. Rishi Raj was awarded the prestigious Swarnajayanti Fellowship in the Engineering Science category for the year 2020-21.
A paper by Mr. Nirbhay Kumar and Md. Qaisar Raza received best poster award to in 10th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, Nagasaki, Japan, 2018.
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International Heat and Mass Transfer Conference: IHMTC-2023
ASME Student Section IIT Patna Colloquium 2024 has been concluded successfully at the Indian Institute of Technology, Patna
Advanced Training on Ansys Structural and Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Tools.
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