Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering
+91-6115-233 274
me_head@iitp.ac.inClick here to view the Department Profile for Freshers!
Indian Institute of Technology Patna is one of the new IITs established by an Act of the Indian
Parliament on August 06, 2008.
Since its inception in 2008, Mechanical Engineering department has experienced remarkable growth, now proudly supporting over 300
undergraduate students and 80 graduate students. This dynamic academic community thrives under the guidance of
25 highly enthusiastic faculty members and 9 skilled technical staff.
The department offers a comprehensive (1) Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, (2) 5 Years, B.Tech.
+ M.Tech./MS (Dual Degree), (3) Master of Technology in Thermal and Fluids, (4) Master of Technology in
Manufacturing, (5) Master of Technology in Mechanical Design, and (6) Master of Technology in Mechatronics
streams. Additionally, our robust Ph.D. program boasts over fifty scholars engaged in cutting-edge research
across various contemporary fields of Mechanical Engineering.
~ Faculty
~ Students
~ Laboratories
~ Alumni