- Selected as Area Editor of Pattern Recognition Letters journal.
- Nasscom AI Gamechangers awards 2024 in AI Research Category for the work on Sarcasm Detection.
Received INSA Young Associate 2024.
- Elected as Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) UK.
Received "Young Achievers' Award 2024" from COMSYS Educational Trust.
Selected as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.
Winner of one of the Pattern Recognition Letters Editor Awards 2023.
Received the best paper award at the 2023 International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2023) for the paper titled "Few Shot Anamoly Detection in Text with Deviation Learning" by Anindya Sundar Das, Aravind Ajay, Sriparna Saha, Monowar Bhuyan organized in Changsha, China from November 20-23, 2023 ( annual flagship conference of the Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS)).
- Appointed as one of ACM’s Distinguished Speakers.
Received Area Chair Award (Information Extraction Track) for the work "Reimagining complaint analysis: Adopting Seq2Path for a Generative Text-to-Text Framework" by Apoorva Singh, Raghav Jain and Sriparna Saha in IJCNLP-AACL 2023 conference held in Bali, Indonesia in November 2023.
Nominated as Fellow of IETE (The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers
(IETE)) 2023.
- Our research article ”Prediction of protein-protein interaction using graph neural networks” by Kanchan Jha, Sriparna Saha, Hiteshi Singh, published in Nature Scientific Reports on 19 May 2022 received 5327 article downloads in 2022, placing it as one of the top 100 downloaded Cell and Molecular Biology papers for Scientific Reports in 2022. Precisely it has placed 9th in the list of top 100 articles of 2022.
- Selected as Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition Letters (impact factor: 3.756).
- Selected as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
- Selected as editorial board member of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI), Elsevier journal (impact factor: 6.2, h5-index: 65).
- Selected as the Associate Editor of Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier journal (impact factor: 5.452, h5-index: 111).
- Selected as Associate Editor of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (impact factor: 3.015), Expert Systems with Applications (impact factor: 5.452, h5-index: 111).
- Selected as Academic Editor of PLOS ONE (impact factor: 3.240, h5-index: 175).
Name is included in the list of eight leading women scientists in the area of AI in India
published by INDIAai which is the National AI Portal of India - a central hub for everything
AI in India and beyond, a joint initiative of MeitY, NeGD and NASSCOM, the website aims
to be the trusted content powerhouse in the backdrop of India’s journey to global prominence
in Artificial Intelligence.
Selected in the editorial board of IEEE Internet Computing magazine ( This is one of the top magazines in the area of Internet technologies
(ICs 2019 impact factor is 4.231 - 2-year Impact Factor = 5.277 - H-index = 103);
Name is included in the list of top 2% of scientists of their main subfield discipline (Artificial
Intelligence and Image Processing), across those that have published at least five papers (a
survey conducted by Stanford University).
- Granted Erasmus+ mobility grant to visit Dublin City University, Ireland in 2019.
- Granted DUO-India fellowship 2020 to visit University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- Awarded the prestigious "Young Faculty Research Fellowship" under Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT, 2019.
- Chosen as Research Advisors of Nan Yang Academy of Sciences, Singapore, 2018.
- Granted Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM (WISTEMM) Women Overseas Fellowship program 2018
- SERB Early Career Research Award 2018
- Chosen as Associate Editor of ACM Transaction on Asian Low Resource Language Information Processing (
- NASI YOUNG SCIENTIST PLATINUM JUBILEE AWARD for the year 2016 in the field of Electronics, Computer Science and Engineering.
BIRD Award (Bioclues Innovation, Research and Development (BIRD) awards), 2016.
- VENUS International Young Faculty Award 2016 for outstanding contributions in the Pattern Recognition field.
Best paper award in long paper category at Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (CLINICAL NLP) of COLING 2016 held at Osaka, Japan in December 2016 sponsored by Philips Research.
- Travel grant received from IAPR to attend ICPR 2016 held at Cancun, Mexico, december 2016
- IEI Young Engineers' Award 2015-2016, Computer Engineering Discipline
- Best Paper Award in IEEE INDICON 2015
- Elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member.
- Granted the Humboldt Research Fellowship
Selected as most inspiring Women Engineer/Scientist for the year 2014 by Engineering Watch Journal.
Selected as Freelancer to conduct Machine Learning Training on behalf of Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS) in the year 2013.
Offered the post of “Visiting Professor" at Human Language Technology Team, GREYC - CNRS UMR 6072, University of Caen Basse-Normandie, Campus Cte de Nacre, F-14032 Caen Cedex FRANCE for a period of six months (granted by French National Reserach Center (CNRS)).
One of the papers in the journal "Data and Knowledge Engineering" titled "Combining multiple classifiers using vote based classifier ensemble technique for named entity recognition" received the tag of "most downloaded article".
Best paper award in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2012).
Travel grant received to attend Indo-U.S. Symposium on Women in Engineering entitled Women Engineers Leading Global Innovation, held from 29th to 31st August, 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Whitefield, Bangalore.
Recipient of Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window Project India4EU to carry out post-
doctoral research in University of Trento, Italy from September, 2010 to June, 2011.
Recipient of EMMA (Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia program) fellowship to carry out post-
doctoral research in Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany from September, 2009 to June,
Nominated for “Google India Women in Engineerin Award, 2009".
Recipient of IAPR travel grant and Google fellowship to attend ICPR 2008, held at Tampa, Florida
during December 8-11, 2008.
Recipient of “Google India Women in Engineering Award, 2008".
Adobe Fellowship to attend ICAPR-2007, held at ISI, Kolkata, January, 2007 ISI scholarship, received as Junior Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow of ISI from 2003 to till date.
Rashi Ray Memorial Medal
from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, for being adjudged the First Class First in M.Tech Examination in Computer Science in the year 2005.
ISI scholarship received during the study of Master of Technology, 2003-2005.
Obtained GATE percentile of 99.26 in the year 2004.
Stood first class third in the B.Tech course.
Stood district first among girls and district second among all in Higher Secondary Examination in
the year 1999.
Stood district first among girls and district second among all in Madhyamik Examination in the
year 1997.