V-Notch Experiment

Laboratory Procedure :

  1. First open the bypass valve (\(V_1\)) and close all other valves.
  2. Start the motor and close the valve (\(V_1\)) until the water level reaches crest (weir) height. Then take the initial reading using Hook’s gauge.
  3. Again open the valve (\(V_1\)) and adjust a discharge in the channel by adjusting the valve (\(V_2\)). Note down the following:
  4. Final Hook’s gauge reading when the hook (needle) touches the free stream surface.
  5. Time required for a 100 mm rise in water level in the measuring tank.
  6. Take 4/5 readings by repeating the aforementioned procedure for different discharges by adjusting the valves ( \(V_1\) and \(V_2\)) at different positions
  7. Stop the motor and open the valve (\(V_2\)) to drain out the remaining water out of the channel.

Simulation Procedure :

  1. Click the power button to turn on the motor.
  2. A slider will appear at the bottom which is meant for changing the flowrate.
  3. A vertical slider right to the zoomed side of notch is meant for recording the heights.
  4. Adjust the flow such that water level touches the crest of the notch.
  5. Measure the height using vertical slider (i.e vernier scale) by clicking on \(x_1\). Now change the flowrate.
  6. Drag the vertical slider to change the height of the vernier scale. Once the tip of the scale touches the water level click on the \(x_2\) button to record the reading.
  7. Keep changing the flow rate and repeat step 6 to take \(x_2\), h and t.
  8. Click on save button to save the readings.
  9. Once all readings are taken, click on "show observation table" button to see the readings.
  10. Click on "export" button to export observation table as an excel file for further calculations.